You have requested a highlight spot in the Chapter Buzz (newsletter) that is distributed monthly to all members of the South Central Chapter.

The Chapter Buzz is sent out via e-blast on the second Tuesday of each month.

  • Submission deadline is 5 days prior.   
  • ASID members, IP members and like associations (i.e. AIA) receive free email blasts.
  • Non-ASID and non-IP members will be charged $250 per email blast.
  • The charge also includes a post to Facebook and Twitter. 

The following must be included for Buzz submissions:

  • Exact verbiage (50 words or less)  
  • JPEG of your subject photo to draw attention (SQUARE format)
  • PDF & JPEG of any flyer or document that you wish to include. (Maximum 5MB per image)
  • RSVP information if relevant.
  • Web address.

The following must be included for Social Media post requests: 

  • Exact verbiage (50 words or less for Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn / 280 characters or less for Twitter.  
  • JPEG of your subject photo to draw attention (SQUARE format)
  • PDF & JPEG of any flyer or document that you wish to include. (Maximum 5MB per image)
  • RSVP information if relevant.
  • Web address
  • @Handles or #Hashtags.  


Buzz spots look like this.  Pink Text and Images are linked to PDFs or Webpages.


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